Wednesday, February 2, 2011

fourteen days of valentines day

I love love. I think Valentine's Day gives you a reason to be more creative with your love. I don't think Valentines Day should be about the  expensive gifts .  The best gifts are from the heart (cliche, but true!) Last year was my best Valentines Day.

Being in the restaurant business, its pretty much impossible to get off for Valentines day.. and why would you want to, you make bank. So usually the boyfriend and I celebrate a different day. Last Valentines Day I had a long day at work, pushing 16 hours of running around with a chicken with my head cut off. On my way home the boyfriend told me to go by the fire house to pick up some random paper from one of his buddies. Though I was suspicious, I went and there he was... parked in the parking lot waiting for me.

It was the best surprise ever. After such a long day, my heart melted when I saw him. He brought me flowers and a cute card. In the card he wrote some reasons why he loved me, which of course brought the water works. I will never forget it, ever.

Now, I'm going to dedicate the next 14 days to Valentines Day. Here is a preview.