Tuesday, April 27, 2010

pahahhaha... my cheeks still hurt

Jo Koy is the funniest man alive... I have never laughed so hard in my life. And not only is he super funny, but he is a super awesome guy. He was totally down for taking pictures and signing autographs for the huge long line.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bikini Body

I have never been a runner.. ever. I always worked out, but I always got scared looking at the treadmill. Every time I got on I would run 5 minutes and feel like death.

I have always admired those who could just keep running, and I always wanted to be one of those people; and now I almost am.

I found this great workout on women's health.com and it has a bunch a great stuff. I have been doing this running program that gradually builds you up to run for 30 minutes straight. I'm on week three (out of six) and I ran for eight minutes straight... a new record for me.

It makes me think that maybe at the end of the six weeks I will be one of those people who I before envied.

I love my curves, don't get me wrong, but I want to be healthy and cardio is a great way to maintain a healthy lifestyle ( and fitting back into my skinny jeans would be nice)

And for a little inspiration...

Monday, April 19, 2010

My life this past weekend has been consumed with economics... it will all be over tomorrow ( well at least until finals. FML)

I can't wait until summer time and I can have my freedom backk.

I snapped this shot on my way home from class and it makes me feel springy =)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring showers bring May flowers

We all get so excited for spring, and then once it gets here it rains the whole time. But we, as fashionistas, should not give up on style rain or shine. Your most weather friendly accessory, rainboots. I found all of these for under 30 dollars. Who said we had to be blah on a rainy day. Thats when we need bright colors the most!

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