Saturday, June 12, 2010

packing.. well trying too

Its taken me five hours to pack, no joke. Not for the usual reasons like I can choose what to wear or over packing... it was because of those damn Kardasians. Every time they come on T.V. I get sucked in, so when there on for like 4 hours in a row that only gives me commercial breaks to pack. But finally its done and every things ready to go. Now if we could only leave tomorrow and not Monday. I'm so excited for vaca. When we went to OC last year we had so much fun, and I'm sure we will have repeat this year.

Any who, some of my family came in from Colorado and Kentucky so weve been out and about this past weekend. We went to this little town Occoquan, which is a little old town that turned houses into stores with the cutest antique stuff. I love going to places like that especially with the family. =)

Love these shoes

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

my first sewing project

I've been inspired by Project Runway and I have decided to learn how to sew. Luckly, my Granny is a great sewer and has been constantly making quilts for years and has a whole room dedicated to it; she was my teacher today.

I decided to PJ pants, they're comfy, fun, and if I totally mess up the public will not see them. I think they turned out GREAT! And not to toot my own horn, but I did a pretty amazing job (even Granny said it too, and not just cuz shes my Granny lol). They're nice and big anc comfy and I never want to get out of them! I didn't take a whole lot of pics because I was concentrating on learning and I didn't want to make Granny feel too uncomfortable.

(dont mind the lack of make-up, pleasee)

I am using my left overs (the light teal on the left, which is much brighter in person) to make a little quilt. These are the other fabrics I plan on using. I'm going to get one more fabric that ties the pink and teal in more. I'm veryy excited about my sewing projectss.