Wednesday, June 2, 2010

my first sewing project

I've been inspired by Project Runway and I have decided to learn how to sew. Luckly, my Granny is a great sewer and has been constantly making quilts for years and has a whole room dedicated to it; she was my teacher today.

I decided to PJ pants, they're comfy, fun, and if I totally mess up the public will not see them. I think they turned out GREAT! And not to toot my own horn, but I did a pretty amazing job (even Granny said it too, and not just cuz shes my Granny lol). They're nice and big anc comfy and I never want to get out of them! I didn't take a whole lot of pics because I was concentrating on learning and I didn't want to make Granny feel too uncomfortable.

(dont mind the lack of make-up, pleasee)

I am using my left overs (the light teal on the left, which is much brighter in person) to make a little quilt. These are the other fabrics I plan on using. I'm going to get one more fabric that ties the pink and teal in more. I'm veryy excited about my sewing projectss.

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