Monday, January 25, 2010

first day of school

Today may be the easiest first day of school EVER! I only have two classes on Mondays, but one is canceled for the first week because its only a discussion; so now my one and only class for the day starts at 3 o'clock and it's a one credit journ. class. My roomie already took it and she said it was super easy.

I slept in this morning, ate a little breakfast, did a quick run on the oliptical, took my time getting ready, and now I'm writing to you guys. I could get used to this schedule.
Tuesdays and Thursdays are my busiest days, and they're not even that bad. Hopefully this cake schedule will help me with my procrastination problem... but lets not get too crazy lol.

First day impressions are really important, and this isn't the time to slack. You want to look put together, but not like you tried to hard. I went with a cute dress with pattern bottom, a long boyfriend sweater, tights and boots. I think this look is perfect for first day of school because its comfy and cute. With all the walking I have to do, boots are the perfect shoe; they are comfortable and still classy.

I know the full shot isn't the best, but its the best I can do for now lol.

ash =)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

adding to my shoe collection

With my new job and lack of income I have been trying to have some self control with my spending habits. I am a compulsive shopper, but I have been doing a good job lately.
Buuutttt, when I passed Bakers with a sale sign in the window I just HAD to go in and look. Well low-and-behold, I found shoes that I lovee!
I have had the same boring black pumps forever, so these were the perfect add to my shoe collection. I love that it has a cute felt bow, making it pop with out looking out of place. I'm usually not a fan of the platform heel, but these are just too cute.

I can't find them on their website, but the name of the shoe is Claire.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Here to stay

I never know how to start these things so here it goes...
Hi! My name is Ashley. My dream in life is to be a journalist, but the problem is I don't know which way I want to go. Part of me whats to do like hard core journalism, like working for the New York Times, and cover news breaking stories; the other part of me wants to do fashion. I love fashion and its so much fun and I think that fashion is important in its own way.
So I'm going to use this blog to let my inner self fight with itself, hence the name. I am the biggest scatter brain ever, so my mind is already in a million places. I'm hoping this will help me realize my thoughts that I don't even know it have.

So I got the best stocking stuffer ever! Ever since my parents divorce when I was 7 I've had the bitter sweet experience of having two houses, and two closets. So I always had plenty of space for all of my clothes. So when I moved into my own apartment, I had to shove all of my stuff into one closet. Every time I add clothes I have to get rid of a bag of clothes.
So in my stocking I got wonder hangers. I figured they were some stupid TV gimmick, but I'm actually in love now.

It hasn't really created room, but thats because my closet was so packed I could barely move my clothes. But now its so much easier to go threw my clothes. I can see all of my clothes instead of barely being able to move through my hangers.

These are just no tv gimmic, these things are no joke. I approve =)
