Sunday, January 3, 2010

Here to stay

I never know how to start these things so here it goes...
Hi! My name is Ashley. My dream in life is to be a journalist, but the problem is I don't know which way I want to go. Part of me whats to do like hard core journalism, like working for the New York Times, and cover news breaking stories; the other part of me wants to do fashion. I love fashion and its so much fun and I think that fashion is important in its own way.
So I'm going to use this blog to let my inner self fight with itself, hence the name. I am the biggest scatter brain ever, so my mind is already in a million places. I'm hoping this will help me realize my thoughts that I don't even know it have.

So I got the best stocking stuffer ever! Ever since my parents divorce when I was 7 I've had the bitter sweet experience of having two houses, and two closets. So I always had plenty of space for all of my clothes. So when I moved into my own apartment, I had to shove all of my stuff into one closet. Every time I add clothes I have to get rid of a bag of clothes.
So in my stocking I got wonder hangers. I figured they were some stupid TV gimmick, but I'm actually in love now.

It hasn't really created room, but thats because my closet was so packed I could barely move my clothes. But now its so much easier to go threw my clothes. I can see all of my clothes instead of barely being able to move through my hangers.

These are just no tv gimmic, these things are no joke. I approve =)


1 comment:

  1. I love all the picture you use! I love seeing things as well as reading about them :)
