Tuesday, March 2, 2010

running into a creative wall

So I have lost any time management skills I ever had these past couple months. I need to get on my game again.

I'm stuck in a creative rut! Every time I go to make an outfit I don't know what to put on. Every time I try and scrapbook I draw a blank. I need a good creative burst!

I'm thinking about going down to the pottery place and paint something, it might be a way to jump start my creativeness.

I also want to invest in a new camera, mine stinks! I want to put a ton of pictures on here but my camera stinks so bad!

But over the weekend I went to my boyfriends banquet for his volunteer fire department. Purple was our color, and I must say we pulled it off. These are the only pictures I have; Stole them from the inlaws =)

ash <3

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