Thursday, September 30, 2010

a look back... good bye summer

Summer is finally over =(, though I won't miss the insanely hot weather, and the constant heat wave, it's always sad to see summer go. I posted some of my favorite summer pictures, and some pictures that I think turned out well. Enjoyyy =)

cherry blossom festival

memorial day bbq- official kick off to summer

blue angels in anapolis

first bloom of summerocean city


sushi date night in downtown anapolis

nationals gamebowling
this is some pictures from last year... hello fall =)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

rainy day love

Rainy days have a bad rep.

When I woke up this morning I dreaded the clouds I saw outside my window. They always look so dreary and icky. While sitting in my class this morning (womens reform, best class ever), I looked out the weekend and saw the most beautiful scenery. The dark gray clouds on the bright yellow green trees looked amazing, through and old white window which just make it picture perfect.

This made me think, rainy days are actually beautiful. The bright green and gray color combo has inspired this post. =)

Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera on me (the one freaking time!) so I couldn't take this inspiring picture. I did get some other ones though .

I found some ways to take this inspiration into an outfit. Enjoy


Friday, September 24, 2010

...and after

I can finally show you how my room turned out! I'm not totally happy with it, but I don't have a ton of cash (or time) to really do what I want with it. But I love it!

The bed spread is my favorite part, and my shoe bookcase, there was really supposed to be more books but there has to be priorities. I've basically turned my room into my closet lol.
idk what i want to do with this and the rest of the wall. I love this mirror but its so lost on the wall.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

i'm backkkk

Now that summer is out of my system, and I have gotten back in to a school routine (well as much as one can), I can finally come back =).

My latest addiction, HGTV. I have always loved designing and now that I'm finally back in my apartment I can use it as my canvas. Of course its always a work in progress, but gosh these dorm-like apartments are super ugly and plain. My dilemmas are always cash, genaric (and ugly) furniture, and white walls. This year my new problem, lighting. My window is shoved in a nook and the sun only comes in my window after 1 p.m. This can make it a little dingy looking.

So because of this, I decided to go with a very colorful color scheme. I will put after pictures up tomorrow. But this is a sneak peak of the colors I chose.