Thursday, September 16, 2010

i'm backkkk

Now that summer is out of my system, and I have gotten back in to a school routine (well as much as one can), I can finally come back =).

My latest addiction, HGTV. I have always loved designing and now that I'm finally back in my apartment I can use it as my canvas. Of course its always a work in progress, but gosh these dorm-like apartments are super ugly and plain. My dilemmas are always cash, genaric (and ugly) furniture, and white walls. This year my new problem, lighting. My window is shoved in a nook and the sun only comes in my window after 1 p.m. This can make it a little dingy looking.

So because of this, I decided to go with a very colorful color scheme. I will put after pictures up tomorrow. But this is a sneak peak of the colors I chose.

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